Your images are for more than just you!
Yes of course initially when you have a session done the images are for you and family members to enjoy. However this is a piece/moment of life you pass down to the next generation. I remember being a child and looking at a sweet professional image of my mom and I when she was young and I was a baby. The days of film are passed as are so many forms of storing images. This is why professional archival safe images are important. Even though my mom is now gone, I will always have that image! That full quality professional image. Now Fast forward to how many do things today.. cheap nonpro quality session with a cheap cd/disk that will be obsolete in a few years.. How will you retrieve those sub par images in a few years when your low quality kiosk prints have failed you and no longer look as good as the images did ...ones that didn't even print as nicely as prolab images do? What will you do when your child or yourself looks back on those images and realizes you sacrificed the quality of your memories so you could get a bigger TV or new tattoo or expensive jeans?
Professional prints and products are so much more that paper or metal or canvas. They are what YOU leave behind. I beg each and every person deciding on sessions and photographers to look at what the images really mean to them! When you choose a pro and think "I have to pay that just for pictures.." think .. you are paying them for the education they had to get, the equipment they need to use, the skills they are mastering, the time away from their families! This is their job and means of support.. and it isn't all easy stuff... This has to be worth their while or they will all eventually be gone and all that will be left will be these cheaper photographers peddling average images with average quality, that might last an average time frame if you even bother to print them.
I have to say.. I love what I do and love to work with people that want to preserve their images for the generations to come. I love clients that want images that are unique as they are!
MI Photographer
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